The HD Method is a novel 2x2 method and has its own SpeedSolving Wiki and a SpeedSolving Thread by Neuro.
This google document by Neuro fully explains standard HD.
Sue Doenim also created a SpeedSolving thread comparing HD-G and EG.
Proposed by Van Higgs (Thermex) and Joel Demars (Sue Doenim) (-> Higgs-Demars), helped by Max Garza (Neuro) and Johnathan Lewis (Shiv3r).
The official algorithm sheet, WoowyBaby’s algorithms,
spongybaaaaaaasdbasd’s HD document (includes HD-G), their older document, algorithms for Guimond Orientation and my HD-G document.
Very good algorithms for PBL (which is a subset of NLL) can also be found on Will Callan’s 2x2 algorithm spreadsheet.