This is a small (not necessarily well coded) program which shows you the results of cubers with a specific WCA ID year. It requires Java to run and uses JavaFX (so you don’t need to and actually can’t use the console).
There also is a SpeedSolving Forums post for this.
Click here to download , the following is the source code (fits all into one file):
import ;
import ;
import java.text.NumberFormat ;
import java.text.ParsePosition ;
import java.util.Scanner ;
import java.util.regex.Pattern ;
import ;
import ;
import javafx.application.Application ;
import javafx.scene.Scene ;
import javafx.scene.control.Button ;
import javafx.scene.control.CheckBox ;
import javafx.scene.control.ComboBox ;
import javafx.scene.control.TextArea ;
import javafx.scene.control.TextField ;
import javafx.scene.control.TextFormatter ;
import javafx.scene.layout.VBox ;
import javafx.stage.Stage ;
public class Main extends Application {
public static final String WCA_EXPORT = "" ;
public static final String SINGLES_RANK_FILE = "WCA_export_RanksSingle.tsv" ;
public static final String AVERAGE_RANK_FILE = "WCA_export_RanksAverage.tsv" ;
public static final Pattern WCA_ID = Pattern . compile ( "^\\d\\d\\d\\d+\\w\\w\\w\\w\\d+" );
public static final Pattern WCA_ID_YEAR = Pattern . compile ( "^\\d\\d\\d\\d+(?=\\w)" );
public static final String [] EVENTS = { "333" , "222" , "444" , "555" , "666" , "777" , "333bf" , "333fm" , "333oh" ,
"clock" , "minx" , "pyram" , "skewb" , "sq1" , "444bf" , "555bf" , "333mbf" };
public static final NumberFormat INTEGER_FORMAT = NumberFormat . getIntegerInstance ();
public static void main ( String [] args ) {
Application . launch ( args );
public void start ( Stage window ) throws Exception {
TextArea output = new TextArea (
"Enter what the program should search for below and then press the start button." );
output . setEditable ( false );
TextField year = new TextField ();
year . setPromptText ( "WCA ID year" );
year . setTextFormatter ( getIntegerFormatter ());
TextField resultCount = new TextField ();
resultCount . setPromptText ( "Persons to show" );
resultCount . setTextFormatter ( getIntegerFormatter ());
CheckBox singleOrAverage = new CheckBox ( "Single (otherwise average)" );
singleOrAverage . setAllowIndeterminate ( false );
singleOrAverage . setSelected ( true );
ComboBox < String > eventName = new ComboBox <>();
eventName . getItems (). addAll ( EVENTS );
eventName . setEditable ( true );
eventName . getSelectionModel (). selectFirst ();
Button startButton = new Button ( "Start" );
startButton . setOnAction ( event -> {
try {
collectData ( output , singleOrAverage . isSelected (), Integer . parseInt ( resultCount . getText ()),
Integer . parseInt ( year . getText ()), eventName . getSelectionModel (). getSelectedItem ());
} catch ( NumberFormatException e ) {
output . setText (
"Please enter a number for " + year . getPromptText () + " and " + resultCount . getPromptText ());
window . setHeight ( 500 );
window . setWidth ( 800 );
window . setTitle ( "WCA ID Records" );
window . setScene ( new Scene ( new VBox ( output , startButton , year , resultCount , singleOrAverage , eventName )));
window . show ();
public void collectData ( TextArea output , boolean singles , int resultCount , int year , String eventName ) {
new Thread (() -> {
output . setText ( "Downloading data..." );
try ( ZipInputStream inputStream = new ZipInputStream (
new BufferedInputStream ( new URL ( WCA_EXPORT ). openStream ()))) {
for ( ZipEntry entry = inputStream . getNextEntry (); entry != null ; entry = inputStream . getNextEntry ()) {
if (( singles ? SINGLES_RANK_FILE : AVERAGE_RANK_FILE ). equals ( entry . getName ())) {
output . setText ( "Successfully downloaded files.\nNow processing data..." );
Scanner scanner = new Scanner ( inputStream );
int resultCountCopy = resultCount ;
StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder ();
result . append ( year ). append ( " WCA ID " ). append ( eventName )
. append ( singles ? " single" : " average" ). append ( " records" );
while (( resultCountCopy > 0 ) && scanner . hasNextLine ()) {
String line = scanner . nextLine ();
if ( line . startsWith ( String . valueOf ( year ))) {
String [] data = line . split ( "\t" );
if ( eventName . equals ( data [ 1 ])) {
result . append ( "\n" ). append ( resultCount - resultCountCopy + 1 ). append ( ". " )
. append ( data [ 0 ]). append ( ": " ). append ( data [ 2 ]);
resultCountCopy --;
output . setText ( result . toString ());
scanner . close ();
return ;
output . setText ( "Could not find the correct file" );
} catch ( Exception e ) {
e . printStackTrace ();
output . setText ( "Caught error: " + e . getMessage ());
}). start ();
public TextFormatter < String > getIntegerFormatter () {
return new TextFormatter <>( c -> {
if ( c . getControlNewText (). isEmpty ()) {
return c ;
ParsePosition parsePosition = new ParsePosition ( 0 );
return ( INTEGER_FORMAT . parse ( c . getControlNewText (), parsePosition ) == null
|| parsePosition . getIndex () < c . getControlNewText (). length ()) ? null : c ;